Wednesday, May 15, 2013

in death there is life.....

Bittersweet times for Allen and I this week. Today we laid to rest Allen's beloved grandfather of 93 years and just two weeks shy of his 61st anniversary with Allen's grandmother June. Anyone who knows the Davis family knows they are quite close  and Frank Sr was clearly loved by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I wish I had known him more in his younger days as its my understanding he was quite the character and quite accomplished in life. I am thankful that Tyler has been blessed to know great-grandparents as mine passed long before I was born. 

And here we are now about to have this baby girl. Some might say is a shame that she'll never get to know him like her brother and cousins. I say, but she will. In life there is death, and in death also life. It is bittersweet that we say so long to one family member, however we are so blessed to welcome a new one. And she will know him. He will watch over her and protect her just as he will with the rest of the Davis family. For we shall all meet again in the afterlife with The Lord. 

Rest in peace Grandpa Davis. Forever loved, forever remembered. We love you!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

ain't nobody got tiiiiime for that!

To sit around and wait for baby girl to come out that is!

Another check up last week Friday revealed that I have made progress since the previous week and both my doctor an I thought for sure I'd see her in the hospital this past weekend. Well.... that was big flop!

The previous Monday I had gone in to be triaged as I had been feeling SUPER nauseas for over 24 hours, very lethargic and hadn't felt baby move as much as normal. Here's hoping possibly early labor, but no, I wasn't anywhere! They gave me an anti nausea med and sent me home to rest. I stayed home the following day just in case it was a stomach bug however I still think it was REALLY early stages of labor. Any and all contractions I have had since have caused the same 'nausea'. I returned to work the rest of the week and left feeling like I would not be back. Baby had dropped way low and I was starting to have some contractions here and there *yay*.  At my appointment on Friday I was dilated to almost a 3, but baby hadn't quite dropped enough yet and my 'water' was still intact *boo!* I did everything I could think of over the weekend; walked, ate spicy food, sat on an exercise ball and just plain stayed active. Sunday morning I woke at 4am or so (after only 3 hours sleep) and thought this was it! My back was in excruciating pain, I was having contractions every 7-8 minutes (although not unbearable yet) and I also was sure I was leaking, thinking my water must have broke in my sleep so I called the nurse line. They sent me to triage where once again I was hooked up and checked and I did not even get a yellow light *sigh* Contractions had slowed to 13 min apart and even though was up to a full 3 at this point, my water had in fact not broken *boo again!* So back home I go where I decided to take it easy and rest hoping that relaxing rather than pushing it might be the key. I am day 2 at work this week and still don't feel any "active" labor. I figure coming to work is the best thing I can do for my sanity right now and I can get caught up and worry less while I am off. I have another check up tomorrow for 38 weeks, PLEASE say a prayer that we have made progress (AND that I go into labor any day but Saturday!)

In other news, Tyler is getting uber excited and quite impatient of when his "sissy" will be here! He cannot WAIT to meet her and give her the stuffy he made for her.  We've talked a lot about how he may wake up to a Grandparent or Aunt/Uncle as we may have to go to the hospital in the night. He seems to understand and keeps asking when he can have a sleep over with one of them :)

FINALLY, some progress has been made in the basement. It has been a long time coming, and for a cranky preggo, I think I have been very patient...... Well, my hubby is quite awesome (don't tell him I said that though - lol!) he managed to redo all the plumbing and gas piping in the basement in just TWO days! It took him all day and night and didn't even stop for lunch. It's quite amazing the difference in water you get from 60 year-old copper piping to brand new PVC - lol. It will be a process I am sure, but looking forward to the next step!

Friday, April 26, 2013

one day at a time....


This morning with Dr. Conner, Mommy is 36 weeks and 2 days and measuring at 33 weeks, no concern just basically mean I am ALL baby in the tummy. Weight gain is still minimal and good (likely due to the diabetic diet) and Baby D was very mellow today, hear tones just around 125. Not much action going on down below quite yet, only about a 1 and her head is not quite down there, so basically she has not fully dropped yet. The plan is still to induce at 39 weeks (yay!) however if I go into labor on my own, they will also not stop me (double yay!) In other news, apparently I'm looking well - haha - NOT! Even Dr. Conner can tell when she came in that I "wear the look of a pregnant woman that looks like she's reached then end and is done".


They are VERY please with my sugars and Baby D's growth. She is currently about 6lbs 5oz and everything else is looking well. As our tech measured her bones, checked heart and lungs we actually got to see her kicking on screen! Was really amazing to be able to actually see her leg kicking AND watch my whole belly move at the same time! We had a hard time getting to see her face this time as it was all squished and the umbilical cord was in front of it :( we did however once again see those chubba cheeks, and boy does she ever have them! I can't wait to see them in person :)


What a busy week we had! Tyler had TWO T-ball games this week and we had conferences as well. Tyler has improved tremendously receiving all 1's and one 2. I always knew he was smart but I absolutely LOVE that his teacher can tell me things that will surprise and impress me. All in all he is officially ready for Kindergarten!

I can't believe the school year is almost to an end and summer is almost here. And I can't believe that I will be home ALONE with a newborn and a 5 year old - cheers! Cuz I am sure a couple Summer Shandy's will be in order :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

can't...... stop...... nesting.....

Today I am officially 36 week along and even though it seems like I've been preggo FOREVER somehow I also can't believe I made it here. I've been busy 'putzing' around the house (really more like whirling around like a tornado) getting ready for baby girl's arrival. I have finally finished painting the furniture and I have to toot my own horn and say I'm pretty impressed with myself on how it turned out. Now if we only had a room (besides the living room) to put it in.

Our living room and Tyler's closet continue to fill up with lots of pink and it all becomes more real everyday. I've been quite anxious about going early - mostly since I was induced with Tyler I'm afraid I won't know when it's the right time to go. The plan is to induce a week early which gives me 3 weeks to get ready. I finally have diapers and wipes and I've got them all out away just on case.

I can't seem to stop 'nesting' as they call it. I've rearranged the whole kitchen and plan to organize and clean the bathroom this weekend. Then of course there is washing of the clothes, the packing and daily cleaning a shopping. I also hope to get a few freezer meals made up as well (yes I think I am slightly crazy) In addition I have what I'm sure is to be a lovely shower to look forward too and t-ball games, softball games and racing just add to the mix! Throw in one baby girl and you got a whole lot of chaos going on - lol!

Another check up and ultrasound are on the agenda for Friday and hopefully we will get some more information then. Hopefully all will be good and she can bake for at a minimum one more week. Course she is a girl and a Davis so she has a mind of her own......we shall see!

Monday, April 15, 2013

don't blink.......

Or you'll open your eyes and Baby Girl will be here! This past Friday I had my 34 week check up with Dr. Conner and everything is still looking good. Still measuring a little small (hey I am NOT complaining!) and only about 1.5lb gained since my last visit (again no complaints here!) and heart rate in the 130's this time (some one was taking her post-breakfast nap - lol) At my previous visit she had mentioned that with GD patients they like to induce at 39 weeks and it didn't even hit me she said that until I got home. So I decided to ask her about it at this visit, and sure enough I was told to go ahead an plan on it! Eek! No more moving at a glacier pace in this house, now she is coming a week early if not sooner. I am still checking my sugars daily then faxing in my numbers to the specialist weekly and even though I have had a few indulgences, they are pleased with my numbers and am told to just continue with my diet :) I go back to Dr. Conner in a couple weeks for a check up and also back to Dr. Zuidema's (the specialist)the same day for another ultrasound to check baby's size.

Tyler continues to be excited and he is SUCH a big helper around the house and for me in general. I am BEYOND thankful for the age gap, as I don't know what I would do without him! He will bring the laundry upstairs for me (he'd prolly change it around for me too if he could reach - hehe) he gets my sock, shoes and slippers for me and will even help take them on and off. Since he has been such a big helper and he's saving for a REAL car ya know, I have been giving him $1 here and there for helping (especially when it's without asking) He just thinks that is the coolest thing and could even tell you what the total is he has saved up. He as  grown up way too fast and is truly about to NOT be my baby anymore :( He has been so amazing understanding as best he can both about Allen working on the race car and me not able to do as much he will be getting a very special gift when he comes to the hospital to meet his new sister (shhhhhh - don't tell! It's a SURPRISE)

Allen is ALMOST don't with the race car (thank goodness last week got cancelled) and it really couldn't be better timing. Hoping with in a couple of weekends he can at the very least get the bedroom/living area done - here's hoping we will have lots of family and friends jumping in to help! Meanwhile, I have been busy doing my nesting thang - got all nursery furniture painted (all by myself thank you very much) minus the crib and have been cleaning and organizing my rear off! Beware kitchen and bathroom - you are next! Bahahahahaha!